Global Village

A Role in Mentoring a New Age

At a time when many places in the world were still just getting used to the idea of a television in people's homes, one pondered the implications. A very charismatic, free thinker whose analysis of media offered deeper perspective, perhaps some may say an advisory to our mental health in navigating our new world of abilities, responsibilities, and potentials.


The term "Global Village is most credited and popularized by Canadian-born English professor, writer, and philosopher of modern communication's theory Marshall McLuhan,in his books The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man (1962) and Understanding Media (1964). "Global Village" as McLuhan used the term, he described the world shrunk into the size of a village through the various means of mass communication systems of his day, such as radio, telephone, television, and the continued developments in mass electronic communication technologies of the future.


Originally aired on CBC TV 1964


Discover more information and resources @ The estate of Corinne & Marshall McLuhan website 


Ask the right scholar they'd probably say, "absolutely"!

If the world is a Global Village (a global electronic collective expression of consciousness representative of our overlapping inter-playing states of the physical reality of our natural selves) then our state of mental health is rightfully a concern among all of us who are in the village as it is reflective of our shared quality and reality of life both virtually and physically. There's an old adage of "there can be no health without mental health" and we clearly subscribe our position and sentiments to it. see more

Original Capture of The Global Viillage ICG Website (2014)



Once anyone has a basic understanding of the origins of what the term Global Village actually means, it's clear to see how the term can be loosely misused and misplaced in popular understanding. Over time these mislays have led many away from the core value of the terms purposing. 

Prior to McLuhan coining the phrase, there were plenty of multiculturally themed projects, international events and or collaborations of commercial business and or by non-profits for the common-good. After the coining of the phrase by McLuhan there are and will still always be multiculturally themed projects and international events and or collaborations however, should that in and of its self warrant titling any of them "Global Village"? An interesting question to ponder.

Global Village is a reality of existence and understanding created and experienced by people due to ever faster growing data and communication exchange systems (technological mediums) which act like a nervous system of our planet.


From TV and radio to the emergence of the World Wide Web, basic email exchange systems, rise of the first chat rooms until today as we live in the dominance of the social media era, online gaming, instant apps, virtual reality, live streaming video from anyone in any place in the world many people are returning much interest in McLuhan's works.

Our present state of society married with technology seems to point at many of McLuhan's predictions of people not just sending, receiving, seeking or having access to information or general communication exchange but rather as an inter-personally engaging experience globally, with people having instant access to one another for a myriad of purposes with many communing much like virtual neighbors and true living communities online.


The core networking group behind "The Viillage Club" initially adopted the name "TheGlobal Viillage ICG" from Global Village" as the group and subsequent community were birthed accidentally stemming from a planned online family work group. Presently TVC is a sustained hybrid online/off-line international networking group and community club of compassionate people utilizing the extensions of our virtual selves to evoke positive impact online and off-line via our respective lives and locations around the globe. See more
